Project Development
Facing complex challenges the easy way
Project work is the typical, current form of work for solving holistic demands. A complex world requires interdisciplinary cooperation with experts from different fields.
Project management
With over 15 years of project experience in software research, software development and software design for business-related processes, we are THE experts in education and human resource development. Pedagogy and IT/CI work hand in hand here!
In cooperation with the Saarland Ministry of Economics, we have developed a socio-technical implementation procedure for successful integration.
Successfully reaching the goal: project management
Project work is the typical, current form of work for solving complex challenges. A multi-layered world requires interdisciplinary cooperation with experts from different fields.
Networking is part of our daily work, not only to stay up to date, but especially to be able to integrate the right people for an assignment or project. Minervis develops new projects for teaching assignments and learning projects and knows how to apply for funding programmes, which are constantly being researched.
We facilitate your work and administrative processes through simple, software-based implementations. We use a wide range of well-known tools and our own software developments. We work demand-oriented in the development and in the selection for the customer.
An overview of our various activities in projects:
POPCORN" project (formerly "MAIS"): Seminar administration
- Project management: Agile software development
- Concept development: Organisational and personal perspectives on the requirements of a seminar administration (detailed functional objectives and process definitions)
- Production and work planning
- Workflow analyses
- Workflow conception
- Coaching: Decision-making on various user-related and IT-supported questions
Microprojects "Introduction & Implentations of Online Learning Forms".
- Project management
- Software selection and implementation
- Work and process planning
- Coaching for implementation, scenario development and digital realisation
- Workflow definitions
- Methodological-didactic and software training for administration and learner guidance
Market and usage analyses of software offers: Educational software and educational providers/offers
- Research
- Hypothesis constructs and analyses
- Assessments
Trainings: Presence and blended learning
- Methodological-didactic basics
- New findings in teaching/learning research
- Methodology and didactics of blended learning
- Various software training courses on teaching/learning tools
- Webinars
Employment as a researcher at the Competence Center e-Learning of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Saarbrücken (
Project "GWVU: Learning Game on Debt"
- Production and work planning
- Methodological-didactic overall concept
- Game design (game idea, story, script development)
- Educational game module development
Project "ReverB" - Learning on site
- Production and work planning for the further education module "German as a Second Language
- Conception of a web learning module on the topic: "Healthy eating
- Development and planning of a language network
- Conception, development and implementation of an educational guidance portal
- Municipal education planning on the topic: economy, technology, environment and science
Lectureship at the University of Applied Sciences
- Co-design and teaching in the media certificate course:
media didactics with a focus on "new media"