Findteacher is a portal for students who want to get more information about the teaching job. The platform matches their preferences and their ideas about the teaching job with real-life characteristics and requirements and provides specific feedback.
Self-assessment procedure for the teacher training programmes in Saarland
FindTeacher offers the opportunity to find out about the teaching profession at Saarland University (UdS), the Saar University of Fine Arts (HBKsaar), and the Saar University of Music (HfM Saar). Users also have the opportunity to reflect on their interests and motivations in order to find out more about how well they fit in with teacher training and the teaching profession.
The site also prepares statistical data for educational researchers, for example.
In five modules, different areas of the teaching profession are gone through. At the end, you receive a recommendation and an overview of how your own profile compares to some standard profiles. The comparison can be repeated at a later date.
FindTeacher can be used with or without registration.
Without a login, processing cannot be interrupted or continued at a later time. It is also not possible to retrieve the results again later. Registering on FindTeacher offers several advantages. By creating an individual login, editing can be interrupted at any time and easily continued at a later time. In addition, it is always possible to access one's own results and view them again.